
Re-Authoring eines Lernadventures

Florian Mehm, Viktor Wendel, Sabrina Radke, Stefan Göbel, Sebastian Grünwald, Robert Konrad, Ralf Steinmetz: Re-Authoring eines Lernadventures. In: Spielend Lernen, Fraunhofer Verlag, October 2010.

Authoring Environment for Story-based Digital Educational Games

Florian Mehm, Stefan Göbel, Sabrina Radke, Ralf Steinmetz: Authoring Environment for Story-based Digital Educational Games. In: Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust: Proceedings of the 1st International Open Workshop on Intelligent Personalization and Adaptation in Digital Educational Games, p. 113-124, October 2009.

80Days: Adaptive Digital Storytelling for Digital Educational Games

Stefan Göbel, Florian Mehm, Sabrina Radke, Ralf Steinmetz: 80Days: Adaptive Digital Storytelling for Digital Educational Games. In: Yiwei Cao, Anna Hannemann, Baltasar Fernández Manjón, Stefan Göbel, Cord Hockemeyer, Emmanuel Stefanakis : Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games (STEG’ 09), no. 498, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, August 2009.

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